Here you can find the list of tools used in this documentation with the short description of its purpose and use.
There are countless collaborative tools for software development teams. Those can help to state requirements, share information, and document features and processes:
CONFLUENCE is the project tool I used during my studies where I could manage product requirements and writing documentation. It is the remote workspace where one can collaborate, create and share ideas, documents and many more with other teams. You are also able to assign tasks to specific users or group, leave comments and share your knowledge.
JIRA is the workspace where I created my documentation plan, presented my persona, outputs and styleguide, as well as I uploaded the links to my final project. Then it was assigned to my project supervisor and reviewed by him. Below you can find the screenshot of JIRA board. There you find SPRINTs which show the present status of your project, to do list, reviewed files and completed documents. JIRA is an easy tool for perfect communication between people who work in a team, you share your documentation with your team and get feedback.
My documentation is written in oXygen XML Editor where I was able to create high-quality tech documentation. Using oXygen XML Editor I can build, organize and manage my documentation easily. My documentation is written in structured mark-up language such as XML. I also used DITA which is an XML standard, an architectural approach, and a writing methodology, developed by technical communicators for technical communicators. It provides a standardised architectural freamwork for a common structure for content that promotes the consistent creation, sharing, and re-use of content. More information about DITA you can find on
GitHub is a hosting website which provides free hosting for open source programs and private repositories. My documentation is uploaded there and available to read and share. In addition, GitHub provides a service called GitHub Pages for quickly creating static web pages.
This is an application I used to capture screenshots of selected area which you can see in the texts. It is available at
It is a tool which helps to write with clarity. It detects spelling, punctuation, and other common errors in texts It also helps to detects correctly spelled words used in the wrong context.