How my documenation came to be.

The first step you should take is writing an outline of documentation plan which presents the roadmap of the project and keeps the track of your process during the realization. The main steps needed to follow are:

  1. PLAN When planning your process it helps you to visualize the draft of the final project design. It also improve readability and clarity of your documentation. When doing my project I used JIRA to plan my steps in AGILE Project Management. It also made me to meet my deadlines.
  2. AUDIENCEThis step helps you understand who is your audience. You have to define the persona you write to because it defines the target group of users. There are different online tools e.g. which help you to create a persona with all details needed to target the user group and the content. This persona helps technical writers to set the relevant and customized content.
  3. STYLE All documentations are written in a specific style guide. It is a set of standards for writing content which helps to maintain a consistent and plain style, voice and tone across your documentation. The style guide also provides general information about grammar and syntax to be used while writing technical documentation. I have chosen two styles of writing this documentation; the PDF file is written in more technical way with Google style guide available at, and the website part is written in Microsoft style guide availabe at
  4. OUTLINE OF TOPICSThis part covers topics, and subtopics in your technical documentation. You should write a table of contents and try to list the main sections and subsections that you will write and describe